Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Movie Butter

I have not tried to dig this one out of the medical journals, but Rosa has been in the phase where her poo smells like movie popcorn butter, the stuff from the tap that prevents gastrointestinal viscosity breakdown. Emmy had a similar phase where she was lovingly referred to as "Butter Baby." So based on our experience, we assume all babies have this phase since we have not taken any special steps to enhance the butteryness of our children. Let's review some facts.

1. All scientific and religious evidence I am aware of say babies came before the movies.
2. Movie butter had to come after the movies. It is possible the industry was built around the butter, but they would have acted quickly having discovered such a wonder. Either way, this still gives babies a big head start.

Therefore, someone smelled their infant's poo and said, "This would go great on popcorn while watching a motion picture show." The evidence is irrefutable.

1 comment:

Matt said...

I seem to remember Harrison going through a butter phase. I think it is a mechanism inside the baby belly. Or perhaps there is a butter fairy.