Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Ni-Hao, Kai-Lan is a drug. We try and monitor the dosage and use it as a "reward" for desirable behaviors, such as taking a good nap. Today was not a good nap day, so no post-nap reward. After a mild withdrawal period (4:15pm)...

"Ni-Hao peas." (attempting to spell as spoken)

"No. You can watch it if you eat a good dinner."

"Ni-Hao peas."

"No. You can watch it if you eat a good dinner."

"Ni-Hao peas."

"No. You can watch it if you eat a good dinner."

"Emmy eat NOW?"

Comprehended my objection, found the gray area, restructured her argument to meet my parental demand and satisfy her withdrawal. YIKES!!!

She is still not watching it, but I am a lot more nervous about the future and what I can only assume will be her requests for written contracts. I will have to parental block legalzoom.com.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

She is definitely a chip off the old block. As we said with Christa so many, many times, "She would make a great lawyer"...and I personally LOVE it.