Sunday, February 28, 2010

Phrases I enjoy

One of our computers is down and possibly out, so no pictures at the moment. So I will post some Emmy phrases, so I will have a record later.

Thank you - "Tack Nu" (although I just asked her to say it and the "y" sound has begun to appear, blogging just in time.) Sometimes, "Tank Nu"

I also tried to get her to say I Love You for Christmas this past year and got - "I Nuv Nu." I should try that again.

When she throws a ball in the air and hits you. "Car-e dada" - Sorry dada.

When you are in her way. "Coos me" - Excuse Me.

The only stuffed animal given a name for the first several months was a panda from Build-a-Bear, her name: "Goo-ga." Then we got a second panda. Now we have "Little Goo-ga" and "Normal Goo-ga."

And my absolute favorite is "That thing there that I don't currently know the name of" - "Choo-do-cha." Origin unknown. Actually everything about it is unknown.

She has a very good vocabulary, just missing a few letters in pronunciation. Can do the alphabet with a little prompting, counts into the teens, and can finish the lines on numerous books. I feel reading time has been successful. Just yesterday I pointed to a picture and asked "What are these dancers called?" And she nailed "Ballerinas". That seemed impressive, although she does have a big noggin.

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