Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Honesty is the best policy

Dec 21, 2010

I was preparing dinner and had given Rosa some blueberries in her highchair to placate her during the process. Emmy comes over and begins to eat them off her tray. I turn around to see this and say, "Hey that's not very polite. Can you ask to have some? That would be the polite thing to do. Are you polite?"

"No, I like to take things away from everybody."

During the week of Christmas no less!

Which reminds me of something from this weekend. I was downstairs with the girls and Emmy was loading the kitchen set with everything available. Rosa was trying to play with her, but Emmy was breaking into tears, cupboard blocking and telling her "No!" and telling me "Rosa's ruining it." I said, "Just let her get one toy out. You need to share." Emmy begrudgingly allows Rosa to reach into one compartment. Rosa reaches in, grabs the devil-horn head band and hands it to her. "Here you've earned it."

Kitchen set $199
Novelty head gear $3
Calling your sister the anti-christ before you can talk - Priceless

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