Thursday, November 13, 2008

New Productivity Tool

Here is my first invention/business idea. First, notice my business savvy in calling it a productivity tool. If you are going to get corporate clients you need to make it sound pro-business, plus you need an infomercial-style, hard-hitting value proposition.

Do you know how much work time is lost speaking to your co-workers? Roughly 6 hours a day. I ain't lying.

This is not time spent in budgetary-overview revisionary sub-committee meetings. I am talking about the time spent listening to co-workers who want to fully describe their medical conditions and their affect on bowel movements, or want you to relive every moment of their toy poodle's third place showing at the local "Pets are like little furry people" talent and costume ball.

Would you rather waste six hours listening to them or retain the ability to waste time as you see appropriate? PONDER NO MORE!!!

And what is the one thing that shoos them away? Yes, the client phone call.

"How can I make the client call at the right time?" you ask. "Are you offering Jedi mind trick training?"

Maybe. But let me ask you, what indicates that a client is calling?

Yes, the ringing of the phone. (I assume you got this right.)

"I can't make the phone ring." NOW YOU CAN!!!

Introducing the Ring-Ding-Dithcher 4000. With this simple, space-age device. You, YES YOU, can snatch the timing of important phone calls away from fate and put it in your pocket, or under your desk.

Side Note: Have you ever seen an infomercial that didn't involve something space-age? And doesn't it make you think you are witnessing some part of the future? Even though the Space Age started roughly in the 1960's. Tang is a space-age, fruit-like beverage. And let me tell you, I can only hope something as tasty as Tang gets brought to Earth in the next millennium.

So let me re-phrase, the Ring-Ding-Ditcher is a simple, intergalactic-age device. And installation couldn't be easier. First, transform your phone into your wingman by placing the Recepticon between the phone and the incoming line. Then use one of the three trigger mechanisms to create an incoming call.

1) The floor-mount foot trigger.
2) The under-desk, bank security trigger.
3) The in-pocket key fob trigger.

Then simply say, "Oh, I got to take this." And you will never hear about plowing the back forty on hemorrhoids again. You can even set a delay, so not to tip off your co-workers. It's just that powerful!

If this product existed I would sell it for $29.95 + S&H (somewhere around $100). BUT WAIT! If you could order now I would also include a second Ring-Ding-Ditcher at no extra cost, for those with home offices. And if you could order in the next 2 hours, I would also include a 5-DVD set that includes installation instructions, 10 more infomercials and a code for discounted, downloadable ring tones.


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