Wednesday, November 19, 2008

E Speak: Winterizing

I am sometimes called a diva, sometimes high maintenance; but I am totally worth it. I have survived one winter already, without even owning shoes. This year I told my parents that if they even think about taking me out for anything holiday, they better find me some more appropriate footwear. Not Dora snow boots from Wal-Mart. Baby needs some Uggs.

"I don't think Uggs that would fit for only one season really constitute an "investment" in your wardrobe. I don't think Clinton and Stacy's advice fully applies to baby clothes and accessories."

Dada, I say this with love, but you are not the person I model myself after in a fashion sense. This is an investment in, not only my fashion future, but in my personal well-being. Feet covered in luscious sheepskin are 42% less likely to enable colds than feet adorned with normal Wal-Marty footwear. And you do remember how many times I woke you up during the Ear Infection of 2008, don't you?

"Well argued; rationale and mostly fact-based reasoning, while attempting to elicit empathy. I am curious as to the source of your research and to know what corporate/government entity sponsored it. Since I appreciate baseless random facts, I am willing to compromise. I will get you some Uggs, but you have to wear them everyday."

Yes! I have successfully manipulated my Dada once again. I want chocolate brown and WANTED THEM YESTERDAY!

"I anticipated this and I have them right here. They are just like Mama's"

Seriously? You really got me Uggs! I am too good at this.

"Yes, try them on."

You're a bastard.


1 comment:

Grammy said...

Cleverly written and beautiful picture of E. (she is a diva!) but my granddaughter does not use bad words! A correction needs to be made and soon!
Guess who? Maybe your not so favorite mother-in-law!