This was an exciting day. I can't think of any other situation where roughly 2 million people have gathered for an event. (Small time lapse for research) There have been a few mostly in other countries, except for the reported 3 million that showed up for the 2004 Red Sox World Series victory parade. I wouldn't have guessed that breaking the Curse of the Bambino was a more significant moment than breaking the racial barrier in our highest elected office, but it does make me believe the Cubs would get 5 million plus if they ever win it. I am guessing Barack would be one of those in attendance.
Question of the Day: Can I say I was proud to vote for the first half-white president in our history? Somehow it sounds wrong. And I don't know if it is even correct, as I am not aware of how fully white the first 43 Presidents were.
So, how did the E-crat celebrate? With a Barack cookie, of course. You can't eat a bobblehead.
First, the fervent hunger.
Then, the lingering savor as Barack's words are taken in.
"Oh crap, it's stuck!"
"My tongue is frozen to it! It wasn't even a triple-dog dare!"
"Dada, how long will my lips be Democratic blue?"
Monkey, it's a four-year commitment.
1 comment:
I do believe Barack is a White Sox fan. I think Emmy is freaked out about eating our President's head.
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