Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Pre-Historic First Blog Entry

You thought I was going to type something like, "Me Like Rocks." But instead I provide a little nostalgia. I attempted to start a blog in October 2006, I made it to 2 posts. So, I guess I did actually start one, it just ended really fast. Here is the historic first entry including the warning label.


Warning: Past performance is no indication of future results. Consult your physician before reading while operating machinery, if pregnant, or in the midst of a homicidal rage.

As the first entry in my blog I feel it should be significant in some way. Unfortunately no one has suffered any hardship to bring you this blog, so I can't play on your sympathies. This blog has no business plan, no desire for global domination or even local change. I have no intention or aptitude to cure disease. I have no otherworldly abilities or relationships to speak of. I have not mastered the English language and it is essentially the first and only language I've tried.

Having just reread the opening paragraph, I think a readership goal of 3 is reasonable. The benefits of readership will be limited. There will be no prizes given away. Rarely will you leave feeling smarter, at least not from knowledge gained, but perhaps relatively speaking.

Now that I have floored expectations, and sold my abilities and the benefits of reading, we can begin.

(And scene)

I don't think that was too bad. Fortunately, I have come up with a business plan to come up with bad business plans for my second try.

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